Guwahati: The perseverance in religious life for 60 years, 50 years, 25 years is not an individual achievement but it is God’s grace for which we need to be filled with gratefulness. The Sisters of the Cross of Chavanod province of Guwahati celebrated the Diamond jubilee of Sr. Anita Mathew, Golden Jubilee of Sr. Parinal Fernando and silver Jubilee of Sr. Jostina Sangama and Sr. Sarojini Narzary on 19th October at Guwahati.

The Jubilee Eucharist was solemnised by Archbishop John Moolachita the Archbishop of Guwahati. In his homily, the Archbishop thanked and congratulated the noble service of the sisters in the Church and for the congregation. Citing examples from the Bible, Archbishop John highlighted the need to cultivate a grateful heart in religious life. “‘I thank my God each time I think of you’, such wonderful words should resound every moment of our religious life”, he urged.

Sr. Any Varghese, the provincial of the Sisters of the Cross of Chavanod, province of Guwahati, in her felicitation address noted the various contributions the jubilarians have made in service of humanity and God.
“The centrality of any jubilee celebration is not individual’s achievement but rather a grateful celebration of Gods’ gratuitous call and His constant accompaniment in our life. Dear Sisters, as you are here before God today, we join you in thanking God for each and every blessing you have received in your life as our sisters. We thank God for helping you sail through all the ups and downs of life. We thank God for preserving you in His love. We thank God for His presence in you and because of His indwelling presence in you and only because of that; you have persevered in your calling to this day,” added Sr. Any Varghese.
The celebrations ended with a colourful felicitation programme and fellowship meal.