50 hours of Chain prayer for the Frontline Workers by Catholic Church

We are very happy to inform you that the Diocese of Kohima Covid-19 Task Force with the initiative of the PRAYER SUPPORT CORE TEAM has decided to have fifty hours of chain prayer and adoration for the infected, affected of Covid-19, doctors, nurses, health care workers, police force, civil authority and all who directly or indirectly involved in the fight against Covid19 pandemic and seek God’s blessings and healing power upon the suffering humanity. This initiative is done in collaboration with various parishes, centers and institutions of the diocese all over the state. In this regard we invite all irrespective of denominations and religions to join us to pray for the healing of the pandemic Covid-19 and protect and strengthen all our front line workers, May I request you also to share the information with others. The prayer and adoration will be commenced from Holy Cross Church Dimapur by Rev. Fr. Sabu Chenackal the Coordinator of the Prayer and support Task Force Covid-19 Catholic Church and the parishioners at 10 AM on the 9th June and reach out to all over Nagaland and will be concluded at the Catholic Cathedral by Bishop Most. Rev. Dr. James Thoppil at 11 AM on the 11th June 2021
Once again thank you all for your wholehearted cooperation and collaboration towards this urgent need. May this fifty-hour of chain prayer and adoration bring about instant healing, sustainable peace and lasting hope to the people of Nagaland and in the world. Our Zoom link ID 81169280845 and password is 784305
For any clarification, please contact
Spiritual & Prayer Support Core Team
Fr. Sabu Chenackal (Coordinator)
94 360 09797